
Mark Speaker
Industry Solutions Executive at Microsoft

Mark Speaker is the Industry Executive for Microsoft Canada responsible for Energy. Mark brings over 20 years of experience in the energy sector working with industry leaders in both technology and energy to advance their thinking around emerging technologies and innovative concepts.

He started his career with TELUS and was elected the youngest member of a Pension Board with over $2 billion in assets at age 26. He then co-founded a start-up which took him from Alberta to Indiana to Texas, leading an online service and support organization as the Chief Technology Officer of Attenza with customers such as Dell and Mary Kay.

He returned to Calgary to spend the last 19 years working with a host of oil and gas companies as an enterprise architect and strategic advisor, including TC Energy, Teck Resources, Husky Energy and Gibson Energy.

Mark was recently central to bringing Unity Software Inc. to Calgary in partnership with the City of Calgary.

He also recently led a 20-person team at the company’s internal hackathon, winning the Best Technology category for Microsoft’s knowledge hack, with team members from Canada, India, China, and the United States.


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